• 2024

    Springer, A.-S., Inter Folia, Aves, trans. Blanca Gago. Barcelona: greylock editions, forthcoming 2024.

  • Springer, A.-S., “Palimpsests of Imperial Desire: Botanical Collections & the Ecocidal Gaze,” in Dark Botany: The Herbarium Tales, eds. P. Gibson & S. Jöttkandt. London: Open Humanities Press (Seedbook series), forthcoming 2024.

  • 2023

    A.-S. Springer & R. Walch, eds., Owned by Others: A Map to Possession Island. Berlin: K. Verlag, forthcoming 2024.

  • A.-S. Springer & E. Turpin, Productions of Nature. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2023.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors, Decapitated Economies—intercalations 5. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2023.

  • 2022

    Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, “How Long Has This Been Going On: Natural History, Political Economy and the Times of the Anthropocene,” Mosaic 55.1 (“Relative Time/Little Time Proceedings, Part 2”): 93–124.

  • 2021

    Springer, A.-S., “Inter Folia, Aves,” in These Birds of Temptation—intercalations 6, eds. A-S. Springer & E. Turpin. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2021. 315–61.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors, These Birds of Temptation, intercalations 6. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2021.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. 도서관 환상들, Korean edition of Fantasies of the Library [2016]. Seoul: Manil Books, 2021.

  • Springer, A.-S. and C. Waldorf, “Publishing as Relay,” in Art Writing in Crisis, edited by Brad Haylock and Megan Patty. Berlin: Sternberg Press, forthcoming 2021.

  • Springer, A.-S., “Volumes: Het Boek als Tentoonstelling,” [2012] translated to Dutch by Rianne Zijdervelde, Amsterdam: Informed Uninformed, 2021.

  • Springer, A.-S. & E. Turpin, “ponds among ponds: an exhibition of threshold behavior & nested life,” curators’ essay, Institute of Contemporary Art, NYU Shanghai, 2021.

  • 2020

    Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. Verschwindende Vermächtnisse: Die Welt als Wald. Exhibition catalog for Zentralmagazin Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Halle/Saale. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2020.

  • 2019

    Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, “Necroaesthetics & Humiliation,” in Theater, Garden, Bestiary, edited by Tristan Garcia and Vincent Normand. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2019, 161–72.

  • 2018

    Springer, A.-S. “Prop Art: Harald Szeemann and the Department Store Gebrüder Loeb, Berne,” in Display Architecture: Department Stores and Modern Retail, edited by A. Lasc, M. Petty, and P. Lara-Betancourt. London: Routledge, 2018, 155–66.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, “Publishers’ Introduction,” in On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung, edited by Dora Garcia. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2018, 13–27 (German); 13–25 (English).

  • Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, Verschwindende Vermächtnisse: Die Welt als Wald, exhibition guide. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2018.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Anthropozän-Wortschatz,” a glossary of terms from the Anthropocene discourse commissioned by the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung / German Federal Agency of Civic Education, July 2018.

  • Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, “Exhibition as a Philosophical Problem” in GAM. Graz Architecture Magazine “14 Exhibiting Matters,” (Graz, June 2018), 117–8.

  • 2017

    Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, “These Birds of Paradise,” in Migrant Journal (December 2017), 118–27.

  • Springer, A.-S. “COEXISTENCE,” in 25th Design Biennial of Ljubljana catalog, edited by Angela Rui and Maja Vardjan. Ljubljana: Museum for Design and Architecture, 2017, 35–38.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, “The Science of Letters,” in Reverse Hallucinations in the Archipelago. Berlin: K. Verlag and HKW, 2017, 1–53.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. Reverse Hallucinations in the Archipelago, intercalations 03. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, June 2017.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. The Word for World is Still Forest, intercalations 04. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, February 2017.

  • Springer, A.-S. “To Look Around Rather Than Ahead: On the Present Future in the Art of Tamás Kaszás and Anikó Loránt,” in Exercises in Autonomy, ed. Joanna Sokolowska. Lodz: Muzeum Sztuki, 2017, 164–78 (Polish & English).

  • 2016

    Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. Fantasies of the Library. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2016.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin. “Anxious Instantiations,” a response to Isabell Lorey & David Lyon’s keynote lectures at transmediale 2016 for the “Anxious to Organize” blog; 8 August 2016.

  • Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin. “Necroaesthetics: Denaturalising the Collection,” in L’internationale Online, No. 3 “Ecologising Museums,” July 2016.

  • Nam, D., A.-S. Springer, and E. Turpin, “Reading Fantasies & Other Fantasies of Reading — Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne Turpin in conversation with Daisy Nam,” Carpenter Center for Visual Art, Harvard University, April 2016.

  • Springer, A.-S. Inter Folia Aves: Reading Birdbooks as Curatorial-Editorial Constellations,” in Publishing as Artistic Practice, edited by A. Gilbert. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016. 134–52.

  • A.-S. Springer. “Filtering the Anthropocene: A Visual Montage as Proxy,” essay in Anthropocene Curriculum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, March 2016; anthropocene-curriculum.org.

  • Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, with W. Benjamin. “The Lesson of Zoology: A Physis is being organized…,” guest-curators’ introduction to Folder #02 of Sara Giannini’s Unfold: The Volume Project, February 2016; unfold.thevolumeproject.com.

  • S. Giannini, A.-S. Springer, and E. Turpin. “The Literal Intimacies of Zoology: Reading Through the Folders of Colonial-Science,” Sara Giannini in conversation with Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin, February 2016; unfold.thevolumeproject.com.

  • 2015

    Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin, editors. 125.660 Spesimen Sejarah Alam: Katalog Pameran. Jakarta, 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, editors. Land & Animal & Nonanimal, intercalations 02. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S., and E. Turpin, editors. Fantasies of the Library, intercalations 01. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Melancholies of the Paginated Imagination: The Library as Curatorial Space,” in Fantasies of the Library, intercalations 01, edited by A.-S. Springer and E. Turpin. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015. 13–156.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Reading Rooms Reading Machines,” annotated visual essay in Fantasies of the Library, intercalations 01, edited by A.-S. Springer and E. Turpin. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015. 63–84.

  • Springer, A.-S., E. Turpin. “Intensive Geographies of the Archive,” interview with Hammad Nasar, in Fantasies of the Library, intercalations 01, edited by A.-S. Springer and E. Turpin. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015. 32–48.

  • Springer, A.-S., E. Turpin. “The Ethics of the Book (Beyond Species Nostalgia),” interview with Joanna Zylinska, in Fantasies of the Library, intercalations 01, edited by A.-S. Springer and E. Turpin. Berlin: K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen  der Welt, 2015. 112–30.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Legere and βιβλιοθήκη: The Library as Idea and Space,” in About Trees, edited by K. Holten. Berlin: Broken Dimanche Press 2015. 163–74.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Labyrinthine Linkages, Filmic Specimens, and Optical Minds,” essay for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 11 November 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Synapse 2015: Evolution Day and the Beneficial Influences of Dust,” essay for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 2 July 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Ekuatorial.com & Infoamazonia.org – Supporting Local Stories of Environmental Change,” Interview with Willie Shubert for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 3 August 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Eat Drink Man Woman Ape,” essay for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 13 June 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “APE ART (and Other Kinds of Order),” essay for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 28 April 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Art as Multispecies Entanglement: A Conversation with Eben Kirskey,” interview for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 7 April 2015.

  • Springer, A.-S. “A Cat is a Lion in a Jungle of Small Bushes,” essay for the Synapse International Curators’ Network blog, 25 March 2015.

  • 2014

    Springer, A.-S., editor. TRAVERSALS: Conversations on Art and Writing. (A series of conceptual interviews with Dora García, Chris Kraus, Mark von Schlegell, Charles Stankievech, and Jacob Wren.) Berlin: K. Verlag, 2014.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Foot: Asuccessionoffeetontheheath” in Ankyloglossia (n. tongue tie) by E. Howes. Berlin: K. Verlag and Künstlerhaus Bethanien, 2014. n.p.

  • 2013

    Springer, A.-S. and E. Turpin. “Some Notes Towards a Minor Ornithology,” essay accompanying the installation For a Minor Ornithology, 15th Jakarta Biennale 2013, “Siasat,” Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • Springer, A.-S. “The Museum as Archipelago,” in SCAPEGOAT: Landscape, Architecture, Political Economy, No. 05 “Excess”, Summer/Fall 2013: 242–53.

  • de Rooij, W. and A.-S. Springer. “Colonizing the Exhibition Space,” interview with Willem de Rooij, in Fillip, No. 18, Summer 2013: 34–40.

  • Springer, A.-S. EX LIBRIS: Commonplace Books. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2013.

  • Springer, A.-S. Commonplace Books: The Exhibition Book. Arg.org, 2013.

  • Springer, A.-S. EX LIBRIS: Anekdotische Topographien. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2013.

  • Springer, A.-S. “I Like a View but I Like to Sit with My Back to It,” conversation with Barbara Wien and Wilma Lukatsch, in EX LIBRIS: Anekdotische Topographien, edited by A.-S. Springer. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2013. N.p.

  • Springer, A.-S. EX LIBRIS: Books Are For Use. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2013.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Volumen: Bände – Räume. Das Buch als Ausstellung,” in Rheinsprung11, No. 5, Spring 2013: 135–48.

  • 2012

    Springer, A.-S. “Volumes: The Book as Exhibition,” in C Magazine, No. 116, December 2012: 36–44.

  • Springer, A.-S., editor. The Subjective Object. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2012. (Publication accompanying the exhibition The Subjective Object, Grassi Museum Leipzig, 2012.)

  • Springer, A.-S. “Photography and Anthropology,” interview with Christopher Pinney, in The Subjective Object, edited by A.-S. Springer. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2012. 37–40.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Kritischer Apparat,” annotated visual essay in The Subjective Object, edited by A.-S Springer. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2012. 49–73.

  • 2011

    Springer, A.-S. and C. Stankievech, editors. LOVELAND. Berlin: K. Verlag, 2011.

  • Power, Nina. Die eindimensionale Frau. Translated by A.-S. Springer. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 2011.

  • D. Ball and A.-S. Springer. Ha Ha Road: Exhibition Guide. Derby: QUAD Gallery, 2011.

  • Springer, A.-S. “Rainbows & Rigor … Mortis,” interview with Charles Stankievech, in exhibition catalogue Distant Early Warning: The DEW Project, edited by Ch. Stankievech. Whitehorse: The Yukon Film Society, 2011.

  • 2008

    v. Schlegell, Mark. Realometer: Amerikanische Romantik. Translated by A. Reihse and A.-S. Springer. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 2009.

  • 2007

    Springer, A.-S. “El Camino de la Historia – El Bauen: Un Hotel Recuperado en Buenos Aires,” in Puntoycoma Magazine, No. 7, 6/2007: 11–17.